Hi there, I'm Jehan Alsawaf and I like to build stuff, create something, and share everything. What a time to be Alive! .

This is me :D (on the day of my maturity presentation)

Hello! - I'm coming for you, world. Get ready.

My name is Jehan Alsawaf and I belong to a specie of curious and passionate individuals who enjoy exploring the world through books and research papers.As an avid learner, I am constantly seeking new knowledge and experience, especially in the fields of space, science, and technology. Looking forward to get to know you!You probably ended up here for my Resume? Then feel free to view a quick online version here. Please don't hesitate to approach me, I don't bite :)


Name: Jehan Alsawaf
Email: [email protected]
Country: Switzerland
Languages: EN AR DE JP
Current Job: Student

Current Positions

FreeFlow Kasse • Migros Restaurent

May 2023 – Present • Ost Schweiz

As a part-time student employee at Migros restaurant, my role includes operating the scanning cash register system, communicating with customers, and assisting in other areas of the store (filling work, ensuring order...)

Volunteer • Science Olympiad

August 2020 – Present • Switzerland

I actively volunteer for the various science olympiads, offering assistance wherever needed. Recently, I helped in organizing and mentoring the physics camp for the second round and providing support to participants.

Astrophysics • Univeristy of Bern

August 2018 – Present • Bern

Alongside my studies, I am pursuing part-time studies at the Center of Space and Habitability at the University of Bern. Under the guidance of Prof. Kevin Heng and his research group, I am researching on exoplanets.

Small Business • Self-Employed

July 2020 – Present • World Wide (Web)

Using the artistic and writing skills I developed in my free time, I engage in illustration, character design, fashion, and comic art. My creations are available on an online store, and there are plans to expand localy.

Skills & Interests


Critical Thinking
Scientific Research
Project Management

Areas of Interest

Artificial Intelligence
Quantum Computing
Extraterrestrial Life
Aerospace Engineering
High Energy Physics

Oh you want my full CV?

Let's talk together. Hit me up at [email protected]